The Cure to Coronavirus | Best Public Speaking Course in Bangalore India

It’s no doubt that we are in a moment where most of the world is dealing with fear, overwhelm, and uncertainty.
The World Health Organization is calling the Corona Virus a Pandemic.
You already know it. Whatsapp is getting flooded with info!
The stock market is plunging.
Most places are out of toilet paper, hand sanitizer, and Bleach.
What should you do?
It depends whether you want a peaceful life or a chaotic one.
I'll tell you what I'm doing.
1. Staying away from the news.
2. Washing my hands often (duh!)
3. And minding my own business by focusing on how can I become a better human being and how can I help people that I am meant to serve.
That's pretty much it. 
Here's my prediction: In 60 days the Corona Virus will be old news. Mark my words.
This hype is driven by the media to keep you scared. (Thank you dear Govt.)
The fear of Corona Virus is more dangerous than Corona Virus itself. 
Niccolo Machiavelli once wrote: "Is it better to be feared or to be loved?"
A ruler who is feared is less likely to be betrayed.
The news media wants to rule your mind.
And they're keeping you scared so you can't turn away from them.
Do you want your reality dictated to you or do you want to retain the control each of us has to create our own?
Situations like this are engineered to make people think they have no control.
The truth is the exact opposite.
I'm not a doctor (even though top doctors come to me to mentor them on their presentation skills).
I'm not a scientist (even though many scientists have attended my programs to find their lost confidence).
I am not God.
But I'm pretty sure I have the cure to Corona Virus.
1. Quit watching the news.
2. Quit talking to negative people.
3. Quit believing every b**lsh*t you hear on TV.
And fill all your new found time with something positive.
Something that lifts your spirits.
Something that makes you a better person.
Here are some common actions that often help move into a better mental state:
  • Meditation
  • Get up and move around
  • Talk to someone (if you’re worried about something)
  • Having a cup of tea
  • Taking a power nap
  • Having a cup of coffee (differs for each person)
  • Getting into a quiet, uncluttered environment
  • Turning off your wifi router
  • Using full-screen writing apps
  • Playing calming music
  • Do some deep work
  • Reading an inspirational quote or article
  • Talking to someone (including a therapist, if needed)
  • Bringing playfulness to the task
  • Text your mentor or advisor and ask how he's dealing with uncertainty (in case he feels uncertain)
  • Watch a movie on laptop with your spouse while munching on some popcorn
There are many other possibilities, of course, but you get the idea.
Another idea is to look at whether you’re feeling discouraged or encouraged. If life has conspired to discourage you from a project, a habit, doing a meaningful task … you’ll want to find ways to encourage yourself. The power of encouragement to change your mental state can’t be overstated. 
This is a skill you can practice every single day. Throughout the day. Bring mindfulness to your current mental state, ask yourself what you’d like to be doing and what mental state would help you do that, and then experiment until you find a way to move into that mental state.
Practice and experiment until you get good at moving into the right mental state. Mastery will take daily practice, and constant play.
Get a mentor and reach your MASTERY. 


About the author: Bishal Sarkar, popularly known as “THE KING OF CONFIDENCE”, is called the best motivational speaker of Bangalore India. Bishal is the creator of “Present like a Champ Boot Camp” (The Best Public Speaking Course in Bangalore) where he teaches the participants the step-by-step easy-to-follow process of public speaking success. He regularly speaks to professionals, youth groups, corporate groups, and trains people from various walks of life and brings out the excellence within them. As the author of the book “I Love Public Speaking”, Bishal now teaches professionals how to overcome fear of public speaking and deliver powerful presentations using the proven formula of speaking & presentation success, through his public speaking courses & communication skills classes in Bangalore. He also helps aspiring speakers by teaching them How to become a motivational speaker in India. People say that he has designed the best presentation skills classes & public speaking workshops in Bangalore. For enrolling in Bishal Sarkar’s Best Public Speaking Course in Bangalore, call us on +91-88803-61526.


India’s Public Speaking Expert | +91-88803-61526

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